Saturday, January 13, 2007

Junction plus Hole in the Fence

Coldest ride in several years - low 20's overnight. Uniform of the day: sock liners under socks, bibs under tights, jersey, jacket, neck gator, shoes and full booties, double gloves, headsweats and helmet. Had trouble keeping the tips of my fingers warm but the rest of me was fine.

JB had gotten to the Gate a little early and gone up a ways, he came back down to meet me after I'd been there a couple minutes. After a few more minutes we determined Rick wasn't coming.

On the way up, JB wondered out loud if we were the only riders crazy enough to do this, then two guys came down who had started when it was even earlier and colder. The he wondered out loud if anyone would be nuts enough to wear shorts and two more guys came down - one of them in shorts (more like basketball shorts than cycling shorts though). They were the last riders we saw until we got to Junction.

File photo - can't work my camera with double gloved hands.

I suggested riding down to the tire poppers and back up but JB thought one descent was enough so we agreed on the Hole. After that it was just putting in winter miles all the way home - but they count for double since it was so cold.
My new truck!

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