Monday, February 05, 2007

Mount Diablo Name Change Appeal

Oakley resident Arthur Mijares, the guy who filed to have Mount Diablo's name changed to something less demonic, is appealing to the White House the USGS decision to retain the existing name. He is asking the executive branch of the federal government to investigate his claim that the USGS didn't handle his request properly. They actually got bombarded with public response opposing the name change. Mr. Mijares apparently objects to being referred to as a nut job, so I won't do that. This report is from September 2006, but it didn't get much coverage.


The only hate mail I've ever gotten as a result of a blog post, was from one of Mr. Mijares's supporters - it was an annonymous entry in my Guest Book (I've since deleted my Guest Book because it filled up with spam).

I'll reiterate my offer to publish Mr. Mijares's statement here. Just send me an e-mail Art.

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