Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday Night Ride 2007.02

Man, I had the Suck Knob turned up to 11 tonight. JB dropped me about half a mile into the ride. He didn't feel good on Saturday but he felt good today.

Little bit windy and that was a factor, but not an excuse. My saddle sore is not fully healed, but that's not an excuse either.

Right about here was the last time I saw JB.

Hardly any other riders tonight. I did see a few coming down.

When I got about to the Upper Ranch, a guy came around me and said "Oh, the competition!" I wasn't sure what he meant but then he said he was from a rival engineering firm and he noticed that I was wearing my company jersey. Anyway, he should not be passing me, but tonight a banana slug could have passed me.

I always think this pair of trees looks like the finish line kite of a big Euro race. Then these guys were practicing their sprints when I stopped to snap a photo so that was pretty cool... normally I could have spanked both of them on the dips.

Product Review: Performance Xport Xpress pickup bike carrier.

I got this pickup bike mount the day after I got the truck. I looked at a Thule version that was three times as much but this one seemed fine.

The skewers aren't the long-throw type so you have to do that unscrewing maneuver to get the lawyer lips in.
The skewers don't lock but the rack does lock to the truck. I can shake the whole vehicle with this bar so I know it's on there good. The Xport Xpress gets a 9 on the Diablo Scott Rating System.

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