Saturday, August 25, 2007


Had a dog function today, so it had to be a quick one.

Rick's doing a race tomorrow so it was just me and JB again.

Dudley Driveby: 8:28 at the bottom of the Bump.

Passed six guys, got passed by four, so that's not a horrible day. Saw Waterford guy again - that's three weeks in a row, I should ask his name... anyway, managed to stay ahead of him all the way to the Junction this time.

Wildlife Encounter: A coyote at Chainbuster. It's always a special ride when I see a coyote but this time it was extra interesting because he was on that trail just off the switchback and there was a post with - not one but two "NO DOGS ALLOWED" signs on it. I chuckled imagining him thinking "THIS SIGN DOESN'T APPLY TO ME".

There were dozens of riders coming up but I didn't recognize any of them. Training for the Challenge is in full swing.

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