Wednesday, March 26, 2008

2008 WNR 03

Drove to Church, rode to Gate, put up rock, took a photo:

A dark and forboding cloud was passing over the Mountain.

There were a bunch of cars parked just inside the Gate. No ranger at the Kiosk so I wondered if they paid their parking (self serve envelopes).

Seems the cow population is increasing rapidly.

The parked cars appeared to belong to a group of women walking up the road in what appeared to be a training walk for a fundraising event judging from the number of pink hats.

Should have brought my arm warmers. Should have brought some warmer gloves too.

The middle washout repair is going quickly. No retaining wall, just some extra foundation and new pavement it looks like.

I still hadn't seen JB and Adam but I felt pretty good and went pretty hard the last three miles. They showed up at the Junction a little while later and we didn't hang around very long.

JB and I went back down - it was pretty cold... should have brought some arm warmers and full gloves.

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