Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Diablo Challenge Volunteer Shout Out

OK you locals, the Diablo Challenge NEEDS YOU.

I'd really like to get two more vehicle drivers for the backpacks and jackets, it's a fun time and a good experience and the riders really appreciate it. If you have a truck or other vehicle that can hold a decent amount of cargo, SIGN UP! You'll be among the first to get there and the last to leave - it's awesome. See my post from last year's event HERE

If you can help in some other way like check in or clean up - please do so. It's for a good cause and they're all a nice bunch of folks over at Save Mount Diablo. Also, volunteers get to help themselves to all the same schwagg as the Challenge riders.

Please e-mail Kim Bratton the associate
or call her at (925) 947-3535 she'll give you an assignment and all the information you need.

She'll want your contact info and an offer of what you can do to help. Tell her Diablo Scott sent you!

Thank you in advance and see you there!

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