Saturday, November 25, 2023

2023 Diablo Day 57 - Saturday Morning Juniper

Thanksgiving is over... no more stalling. I got the winter bike ready. I glued those new tubular tires on, did some general tuning up, and put on new bar tape. As far as I can remember, this is the first time I've had anything but WHITE handlebar tape on my Eddy Merckx. This was quite a mental obstacle to overcome, but with new tires, and new black bottle cages I took a risk and went whole hog on the black trimmings.

1. These tires are every bit of 28mm wide - the max that will fit in my frame. I had to install the rear wheel with no air in the tire to get it through the brakes, but no rubbing once I did.

2. I really like the tread pattern and latex innertubes.

3. I'm not sure the tan sidewalls are the best fashion for my bike, but they're definitely old school.

4. Reportedly 325g each, so markedly more than my Vittoria Pave at 275g. I don't ride sew-ups for the light weight, but you do notice this extra rotating mass.

5. Good and straight with no lumps, easy to install.

6. Very nice rolling tires, they feel especially good around all the switchbacks. I expect riding some wet riding surfaces, so a little extra contact patch will be welcome.


Today's ride:

There was a FROST warning for the early hours. JB DM'ed me that he had a lame excuse and wouldn't be coming. So I started out a little later than usual and figured I'd do an easy pace and add some extra climbing.

Not many people at Junction to talk to, so I headed up to Juniper feeling OK. Stopped again at Junction on the way down when Rick rode in from the South so we talked a while.

On the way home my legs were feeling quite a bit more rubbery than usual up the short climbs - so my endurance is down, my speed is down, and my strength is down... if I call it a recovery period that means I should be peaking by spring! Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'll have a New Year Summit for the first time since my patella fracture.

Tubular Bells

Lots of fall colors


I should pay more attention to where
the light's coming from before I selfie.

I like this look, but it almost seems like a different bike.

Roadkill Raccoon

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck on your New Years Day Summit--here is hoping for an inversion layer.
