Saturday, August 31, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 23 - Saturday Morning Junction

Getting ready this morning, I thought I might get sick and vomit... but it passed, and once I was in the saddle doing my thing I felt fine.

Labor Day weekend - not many drivers.

Diablo Challenge coming up - lots of riders.

JB said the turnout lane work is done on NGR except for painting some stripes, so it should be open full time by next week.

Roadkill Report: just a dumb squirrel.

Tarantula Tally: zero

I think about 10% of the bikes I saw today were electric. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 22 - Saturday Morning Junction and Turnout Celebration

Today was the celebration event for *almost* completing the bike turnout lanes... I guess they planned this thinking they'd all be done, but there's a little more work to do. There was a news crew and politicians and state park officials and lots of bike riders. Your humble blogger even has a cameo in the news story at 3m39s. There was a lot of thanking and acknowledgment and a lot of my loyal blog readers share some of the credit for donating to this safety campaign as well.

Tarantula Tally: one crawler and one corpse. First two of the year.

I rode past the celebration area at Curry Point on the way up and they were just getting finished with the setup tents. They had bike parking from Valley Spokesmen I think - the kind like they have at centuries and triathlons. Then I went up to Junction expecting to meet with JB but he was a little late so I rode back down to Curry Point where Shawn and Charlie found me right away - good to catch up with them. JB rode his newly-restored Teesdale, with custom Iowa Hawkeye paint including a Tiger Hawk emblem. It was also the first time I saw Charlie's new bike; a carbon fiber Salsa.

Courtesy KPIX TV.

Cal jersey autoblog.


The Hawkeye bike.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 21 - Saturday Morning Junction

 The big event is NEXT SATURDAY!

Curry Point is on South Gate Road, about half way between the pay kiosk and Junction.

    Don't quite have the camera mount figured out yet.

It was kind of chilly today - even got sprinkled on before the ride, but then the sun came out.


Word was a cyclist had a solo crash up on Summit Road.

This is cool handlebar tape - Zipp Service Corse.  The branding is nearly invisible until there is a layer of sweaty grime on it and then the words magically appear.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 20 - Saturday Morning Junction

Uneventful ride on an uneventful day.

I got a new camera mount for the DiabloCam, but I haven't figured out where I like it... above the handlebars gets in the way a little, but gets a better view; below the handlebars makes it hard to access for changing the battery and the cables get in the view.

I did see a professional colleague at Junction - it was a surprise that he recognized my voice and started talking to me but I couldn't place him. He is a client that I've met a few times in person but mostly we talk on the phone and neither of us knew the other was a cyclist until today.

Al was at Junction again too, promoting the Turnout celebration. August 24 @10am. See you there!