Saturday, June 29, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 17 - Saturday Morning Junction

 A nice warm morning leading into 4th of July week. I wore my patriotic socks.

Wildlife Encounter: two deers in the residential area.

Happy birthday to JB. We made a few jokes about getting old, but they all hit a little too close to home. We talked a little politics but that was just depressing.

They're making some good progress on the SGR bike turnout lanes.

Folding bike guy gets a Diablo Shoutout.

I had to downshift quick after slowing down for this deer at the bottom of the hill - then I had to struggle up the rest of the way because I didn't have the speed to carry me over.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 16 - Saturday Morning Junction

First ride of summer - and it was a hot one. The heat and poor sleep quality made today a tough outing. I pulled over in the shade for a little break and a helpful rider (Yellow Jersey Lady) stopped to make sure I knew where the water supplies were. She was literally riding circles around me - passed me going up near the bottom, she must've turned around at Junction and then passed me again on her next lap.

Speaking of hot ones, JB gave me a pill bottle full of his garden pepper powder. I put it on macaroni salad.

Wildlife Encounter: a mother deer and her son just below the Tire Poppers.

Roadkill Report: a coyote and a racoon on Blackhawk Road.

Yellow Jersey Lady - passed-me#1

This is a nice one!

Yellow Jersey Lady - passed-me#2

County Animal Services was busy today picking up road kill.

I'm afraid to figure out what this means for my fitness level.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 15 - Saturday Morning Junction

 Busy on My Mountain today - big groups, lots of Death Ride trainers, regular folks, and me. Warm and slight breeze, it was a great day.

Bike turnout lanes in the news! 

Mount Diablo gets new bike turnouts to help keep cyclists safe

This will be a good place for a turnout.

This will be a good place for a turnout!


Saturday, June 08, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 14 - Saturday Morning Junction

The air was a little smoggy today - I think there's a fire some where.

Wildlife Encounter: a young deer, somewhere, couldn't find him on my bike cam recording, but he walked across the road just in front of me.

On one of the hike crossings there was a group that cheered me on like I was winning solo on Alpe d'Huez... see video.

At Junction there was a guy who rode his SOMA fixed gear up from NGR; looked like he had a 50t crank too. He was telling someone stories about all the hard rides and steep mountains he's ridden fixed. A hardman for sure.

Didn't see much progress on the SGR bike turnout lane construction - just a few earth-moving things.

A couple riders in front of me got stopped for a safety lecture by Diablo's Finest.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 13 - Saturday Morning Junction

 It's June and the weather's great. I felt good. I think there were some people training for The Death Ride already.

Wildlife Encounter:  a deer in the bushes, didn't catch him on the Diablo Bike Cam.