Saturday, June 22, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 16 - Saturday Morning Junction

First ride of summer - and it was a hot one. The heat and poor sleep quality made today a tough outing. I pulled over in the shade for a little break and a helpful rider (Yellow Jersey Lady) stopped to make sure I knew where the water supplies were. She was literally riding circles around me - passed me going up near the bottom, she must've turned around at Junction and then passed me again on her next lap.

Speaking of hot ones, JB gave me a pill bottle full of his garden pepper powder. I put it on macaroni salad.

Wildlife Encounter: a mother deer and her son just below the Tire Poppers.

Roadkill Report: a coyote and a racoon on Blackhawk Road.

Yellow Jersey Lady - passed-me#1

This is a nice one!

Yellow Jersey Lady - passed-me#2

County Animal Services was busy today picking up road kill.

I'm afraid to figure out what this means for my fitness level.

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