Saturday, October 12, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 29 - Saturday Morning Junction

Bright, calm, and mid-60's... just like me!

No wildlife to speak of - although there were a bunch of people hoping to see tarantellas. 

After the last couple weekends of high heat, it was really nice today. The Death Ride is over, the Diablo Challenge is over, Euro pro racing is over... only the Diablo hard-cores remain until next spring.

I thought this guy was going to hurl, but he was just stretching.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 28 - Saturday Morning Junction

We're having a heat wave! Predictions were for 104F by 11am. I started out well-hydrated and packed two frozen bottles.

When I was just about to roll out the door, I noticed one of the adjuster knobs on my shoe was missing the fishing line thing that grabs the hook thing. I thought I could a) ride anyway b) switch to my winter bike with the different shoes c) quit.  I opted for (a)... my foot stayed in the shoe OK, but I figured just to be safe, I wouldn't release my mega-power sprint today. So I had two reasons to be slow today - the shoe and the heat. While I was riding along I was thinking to myself how I would repair the shoe. I didn't know if this was something the bike shop might do, or if I could just get a repair kit or something from Amazon or Shimano. Then when I got home I took a closer look and realized the line was still in there but all wrapped up underneath the button. I managed to extract it with a pliers, and save myself a service call.

The Diablo Challenge is tomorrow... it's gonna be even hotter. I'll be watching the results for people I know! There were some big groups riding up today, maybe practicing. One group even had their own SAG wagon.

The roof at the Ranger Shack is done, but they haven't moved back the benches or bike racks yet.

This didn't look very safe - an eMTB with a tow rope tied to his kid's bike. I withheld my constructive criticism and just waved.

This friendly rider attempted to engage me in conversation, but he was so fast by the time I could respond he was out of earshot. He was smooth too - totally pulled off the white-shoe look.

OK, lets have a look at those shoes:
Here's what I saw when I put on my left shoe - the string dealie was missing somehow, so I just rode with the flap flapping.

Yup, it's gone... or wait...

There it is - pulled it out, wrapped it around the dealie -grabber and good as knew.