Saturday, January 25, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 04 - Saturday Morning Junction

Colder than I was expecting today - windier too.

Roadkill Report:  that coyote on Blackhawk Road was still there from last week... the smell was mildly muted from the chill in the air.

Met a guy named Wareh (probably spelled wrong) at the Tire Poppers who was riding Diablo for the first time and attempting a Summit. He agreed to pose for my blog... I forgot to tell him he'd be famous now.

New Zealand guy was at Junction again - turns out he sometimes rides with Colnago Ted. Then he mentioned he used to do competitive rowing in NZ and he said you could always tell when someone in the boat wasn't putting in the same effort as everybody else... not like drafting in a paceline... more like stoking on a tandem.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 03 - Saturday Morning Junction

Cold and foggy today, but I popped up above it around 1000 ft and then it was clear and bright.

Roadkill Report: coyote on Blackhawk Road.

One guy passed me on SGR who said he was from England and this was his first time on The Mountain. He had heard about the infamous Summit Wall; I told him the real numbers, gave him a little advice, and told him the joke about the "false flat".

At Junction I met JB and a couple of other interesting people. 

  • One guy from New Zealand - we talked about politics, fires and insurance, and socialized skiing.
  • One woman named Samantha - she was easy to talk to, and then later went out for tea with JB at Encina where more conversation was had.

Meep meep.

English guy.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 02 - Saturday Morning Junction

Felt much better than on NYD. It was cold though.

Passed a woman with a reflective vest and a titanium Moots from the San Francisco Randonneurs. They have a pretty damn impressive ride list:    San Francisco Randonneurs 

Kind of quiet on The Mountain today, not a lot of riders. One guy at Junction joked that he was 72 years old and he still hasn't found his groove. I said "This is YOUR YEAR buddy.".

Going to see the new Bob Dylan movie tonight - I had an early Bob playlist going on the Diablo MP3 Player. I decided to leave the harmonica at home.

The Randonneur

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 01 - NY NGR

Happy New Year dear readers.

I decided to do North Gate Road with JB today. First time up since they finished the turnout lanes.

I was slow.

Lots of riders... but not like the old days.

Turns out freezing my water bottles was overkill.

I won the sprint for second place.