Saturday, February 22, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 07 - Saturday Morning Junction

Gorgeous day. I was over-dressed with tights and jacket.

Hoping to see the first poppies of the year - weren't any.

Wildlife Encounter: usual turkeys.

All things considered - I'd rather deal with eBikes
than SUVs on these winding roads.

I stayed with this rider for a while and she 
was doing a good pace for me, but then she pulled off.

Hey - a Diablo Cyclist jersey - don't recognize him though.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 06 - Saturday Morning Junction

Gorgeous day after a long spell of cold and rain.

Wildlife Encounter: two coyotes on the hiking path just above the helicopter pad. I was descending and saw them crossing the road like they owned the place, so I stopped and turned around for a photo but didn't get a close-up shot of them.

The creeks are full and the mellifluent sounds of gurgling brooks filled the air - I also stopped to get some video of that - it'll make a good screen saver.

I had a dream last night that I bought my dream bike - and I was so excited because I wanted a super pro quality bike but when I tried to ride it I couldn't because it was too much for me to handle... when I woke up, I realized my next REAL purchase would be a "relaxed fit" bike.

Two Coyotes

Gurgling brook at Bridal Nook. There's a picnic area in here that I've never seen anyone use - and now it's roped off because mud slides.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 05 - Saturday Morning Junction

Bright and clear and calm this morning - just beautiful. It was a little cold, but I just got a new jacket with some Christmas money my dad sent and it's very comfortable and good-looking.

Wildlife Encounter: a pack of deer lying down in a clearing just above the Tire Poppers. Interesting that they weren't trying to hide and it looked like they were keeping a wary eye out for predators.