Saturday, June 08, 2024

2024 Diablo Day 14 - Saturday Morning Junction

The air was a little smoggy today - I think there's a fire some where.

Wildlife Encounter: a young deer, somewhere, couldn't find him on my bike cam recording, but he walked across the road just in front of me.

On one of the hike crossings there was a group that cheered me on like I was winning solo on Alpe d'Huez... see video.

At Junction there was a guy who rode his SOMA fixed gear up from NGR; looked like he had a 50t crank too. He was telling someone stories about all the hard rides and steep mountains he's ridden fixed. A hardman for sure.

Didn't see much progress on the SGR bike turnout lane construction - just a few earth-moving things.

A couple riders in front of me got stopped for a safety lecture by Diablo's Finest.

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