JB caught up and passed me just after Chainbuster. Hardly saw anybody else all day. We decided to go down the South side.
Just below Junction I got this photo of an old tree that had been partly sawed off and partly broken off, wonder what the story there is.
At the Junction Rick asked what was next. What I was hoping for was anything but the Summit but if I said that out loud it'd be the Summit for sure so I didn't say anything and it was Summit anyway. I took off my tights and rolled them up and stuck them in my jersey pocket. It was really getting warm.
We took it pretty easy on Summit Road.
Dudley Driveby: in the Blue Oak Speedway. First sighting in several rides.
I took a preparation lap around the Lower Parking Lot before I started up the Wall; I usually need that extra bit of courage from my suitcase.
Rick and I found these cool helmet decorations.
Rick passes along his ride data.
Me with a mouth full of banana bread.
Broadband comes to DiabloScott's PC. Everything's faster, no promises on quality improvements for the reader.
Update: Scanned in the Route Map and created my own elevation profile with y-axis chosen to make it look more brutal.
Foxy's Fall Century Elevation Profile
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