Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Broken Ribs Update: Day 18

Last week I went in for a follow-up appointment with my family doctor and she said my report said I had SEVEN broken ribs, not four.  Maybe the senior radiologist over-rode the weekend guy's evaluation.  Family doc had no trouble justifying another couple weeks of prescription pain-killers.  I have to keep a log though so I don't forget when I took what, and so I can try out different schedules for each one.

Friday night I got hiccups and it was just miserable - every single hic was like being punched in the chest.  Lasted about an hour.

Recently I've been a lot better but I still have a long way to go.  I no longer have waves of intense pain; it's more like just being really sore all the time with occasional waves of moderate pain when I move my arm or torso the wrong way.  I dread getting another case of hiccups though... or sneezing or serious coughing; that would still be agony.

Diablo Wife has been taking good care of me, and Diablo Dog is understanding of the shorter, slower walks.  My bike has cobwebs on it already.


Curtis Corlew said...

Ouch. I remember having broken ribs and how a cough just about killed me. I'm sure you aren't having fun, even with the meds. Heal well.

Rick said...

Oh my GOD! How could you have done such damage to yourself in such a seemingly minor little fall! So sorry to read about your suffering - truly!

Lanceoldstrong said...

I hope that soon you call out, "on your left" and pass the memories of this ordeal as you leave them behind.

What news from the front?
In your case perhaps, what news from the side?

Feeling better?

BenLoganBenLoganBenLogan said...

Oh, Diablo Scott, I haven't checked with you in a while and was so bummed to hear about your recent crash, although Kudos for getting it on film. All my captured wipe-outs are equally underwhelming. You must be squirming with inactivity.(if not from extreme pain) Get some pain-free rest and good luck on the speedy bone repair! -Ben, the Los Gatos Klein fanatic