The Mount Diablo Cyclists are fund raising for more bike turnouts!. I have pledged to donate $5 for every time I ride Diablo until the end of September; won't you join me? Here's the link - tell them Diablo Scott sent you.
LINK-> Bike Turnouts
Got to the Tire Poppers a little early to wait for Charlie. While I was there I encountered Diablo Legend Cathy and her sister Patti. They were turning around to do another repeat.
Charlie said he was not anticipating a fast ride today, but then after a mile or so he threw down. I clawed my way back to him and even got a lead for a while, but then I faded short of the finish line. I was listening to Sanjay Gupta's podcast earlier this morning with an exercise physiologist who said that endurance training is next to worthless for older folks and what we really need to do is high intensity intervals - so I did a couple of those and it was hard but fun.
The bugs were pretty bad at Junction - big biting horseflies, and gnats. They seemed to bother Charlie more than me, maybe because I smelled like Icy Hot... that made me laugh - the thought that a bug expecting a tasty blood meal would not be happy with a mouthful of sinus-burning wintergreen liniment.
There were lots of riders at Junction too - I think they were Valley Spokesmen on a club ride.