Saturday, March 22, 2025

2025 Diablo Day 10 - Saturday Morning Junction

REEEALLY nice weather today. I didn't even wear a jacket, just a long sleeve jersey and my holey tights. It was a little chilly until about 1000 feet then it was great.

There was a group of about 6 guys who kept passing me and then stopping for a break and then they'd pass me again a mile up the road. They were friendly but I didn't understand that training regime. I finally got ahead of all of them for good, except 1 guy - his name was Carlos and we were riding together at about the helicopter turnout and we saw famous Cathy make a U-turn coming down to go back up. I told Carlos to say "Hi Cathy" as he went by and that she'd like that... because she's famous.

Had a decent Junction time and felt pretty good. I did an inspection of my tires though and there's only a few more rides in them... sew-ups are getting harder and harder to find too... I better get busy.

Photos in reverse order today - I can never figure out how Google sorts them when I click.

I stopped to pick a lupine.

I stopped to pick a poppy.

Wearing bright cycling clothes is a good way to get posted in
  Diablo Scott's Bike Blog

This is the payoff for a long, wet, winter...
a month or so of verdant hills.

I watched this guy for a while - it looked like he was just learning how to ride with Tri-bars... he was tucked really well but didn't look comfortable and he wasn't fast.

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