Saturday, February 25, 2017

2017 SMR 05

Gate Ranger tells me there is a big mud slide and I won't be able to go to Junction.  She thinks they might be working on it all day.  Somewhere around Diablo Ranch.

I tell other folks the story because the Gate is closed, everybody goes up anyway... cuz what else you gonna do?

Supposed to be rain this afternoon but it was nice this morning.

Mudslide was actually just below the Ranger House - only about a half mile from Junction.  JB and I stopped for a while to watch.

Smaller mudslides were evidenced all over.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

2017 SMR 04

First sunny weekend in a long time... but it was real windy.  JB went down SGR and I went down with him to the Kiosk and came back up.

Some kind of trail volunteer work this morning.

No wildlife, but there's a lot of running water up there.

Everything is this bright shade of green, too.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

2017 SMR 03

Borderline, but I rode... because that's what I do.

Wildlife Encounter:  Two deer near the Lower Ranch

Wildlife Encounter:  Red-Tailed Hawk at The Bump.  Usually I don't note birds, but this guy was parked on the side of the road with his red tail facing me... like he wanted me to mention him... and his red tail.