Nice riding weather. Me, JB, and Charlie. We talked about Chinese spy balloons and Turkish earthquakes.
Ran in to this guy on Walnut - let's just say he looked faster than he was. 
Stopped for some stretching at The Gate.
This lady told us the dog is named Pablo, he's available for adoption, and currently kenneled at
North Gate Kennels. Very friendly with people, not sure about other animals.
I have no idea what this guy was doing.
Hey, here's that guy from Walnut Avenue again - a photo at the 1,000 foot elevation sign is an indication of newbness.
No progress at this damaged section of road... please submit your suggestions for a location name in the comments... I'm thinking it should contain the word "gulch".
Random rider on red bike.
At Chainbuster, I still had Charlie in my sights. My plan was to catch him by the Ranger House. My plan bore no fruit.
I'm pretty sure e-scooters are not allowed up here... but enforcement is lax.
This is about the best pavement on NGR atm.
This section will be undrivable pretty soon. Perhaps they'll close NGR to cars... uh huh.