I'm having some soccer withdrawls but the Tour starts in a couple days so I think I'll survive.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
2010 WNR 07
I'm having some soccer withdrawls but the Tour starts in a couple days so I think I'll survive.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Roadkill Report: bullfrog and lizard.
Major road work is done and the Upper Washout is repaired. There are still signs and equipment all over though so they must still be doing some additional repairs.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
2010 WNR 06
Here's one from the archive.

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hours from Summer Solstice
Cold and windy this a.m. Foggy too above 2,000 ft. Honestly not a very enjoyable ride, but better than not riding.
Just after we got to Junction, about a dozen guys from the Berkeley racing club arrived... one of them had this cool vintage machine. Never heard of this maker before. That is one tight fold on those sew ups. The clipless pedals are rather anachronistic though, and so are the bottle cages.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
2010 WNR 05
There's a crew working on the washout, they have construction night lights and everything, and the guy told me they were working until dark. They stop all traffic for ten minutes or so whenever they need to have backhoe involvement.
I also heard they're working on the private road on the other side of the "Hole in the Fence"... so if you go up or down South Gate you might not be able to use it... can't believe they'd completely close the road though. Somebody write a comment and give me the whole story.
For the last few months, my floor pump has been giving me problems. It's a Joe Blow Sprint and it hasn't been gripping the valve very tight... blows right off when I'm pumping, especially on valves with no threads. I kept tightening down on the cap that holds the grommets in but it didn't help... grommets themselves seem fine too. So I have to hold the head and valve together with one hand and pump with the other... awkward and not very effective.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
2010 Diablo Hill Climb Time Trial
Turned out it was actually on Shell Ridge, so it got close to some residential areas but didn't affect the Park.
Today is the Diablo Hill Climb Time Trial - first rider started at 8 o'clock so I started at 7 with a plan of a quickie Junc Run and then a photo shoot.
Results are posted HERE
Wildlife Encounter: lots of jackrabbits down by Arroyo... I suspect the jackrabbit population and coyote population are inversely related.
Then I scoped out a good place to take pictures... I wanted an interesting background that looked steep. Picked this spot just past the hardest part of the Bump - bonus... a curb to sit on!
I should've picked those weed, they got in the way of a lot of shots and I think my camera was trying to focus on them.
Blog reader Curtis in his first ever licensed race... he found the experience humbling.
Rick's category didn't start until 10:30 and I couldn't stick around that long so I don't have his photo but he did the Mountain proud with a good time.
I got photos of almost everybody who started before 9:30. Rather than post them all, I made a 5 minute low-rez video slideshow... they're all in order so if you see one you want, note the time and I'll be happy to send you the full version (~3MB each). Make a nice comment on the blog and then send me an e-mail request, or you can put your e-mail in the comment but I need your addy to send files.
2010 Diablo Hill Climb Time Trial from Diablo Scott on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
2010 WNR 04
Rode solo.
Passed a few guys and then I saw a Group of 3 that I thought were setting a good pace and I stayed 30 seconds behind them for quite a while. Then one guy threw his chain and they all stopped so I had to come around them. Suddenly the preditor was the prey. Picked it up a click and stayed away from them though.
Kind of windy and I was unmotivated. JB found me on his way down and turned around to warm up again with me, then turned back down again.
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Gate - Juniper - Hole
He took his broken Look Keo pedals back to Performance and they said they had never seen such a thing and opened up a box of new ones and gave them to him... that's a mite better result than I was predicting.
Death Ride practice is in full force, the Mountain was crammed with cyclists. Also tiny little bugs.
Wildlife Encounter: jackrabbit.
Saw Peter at Junction, coming down from the Summit; he must be starting at 7am.
Then off to Juniper,
Blog reader Ward was at the future overpass when they brought in the arches, and sent along these photos:

Here's what it looked like this morning...
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
2010 WNR 03
Saw some Team Club Sport riders gathering at the Church so I went hard from the start hoping to stay in front of them... only one guy passed me close to the Junction but the others weren't too far behind so it was a pretty good head start.
Faded toward the end though from the early effort - average and max heart rates were both 10bpm more than usual but my time wasn't any better than Saturday's.
Crowded at the Junction, no ranger hassles, and got home early.
NOTE: Registration for the Diablo Challenge in October is now open - sign up soon if you want the sub-60 wave. I should be volunteering again this year, come say "hi".