Saturday, November 25, 2017

2017 SMR 39

JB showed up late, but I didn't know he was going to show up late so today was a solo ride to Junction... where he showed up.

Yup, new safety pylons on The Washout.  Still easy to ride through, the old ones probably fell over too much and required park staff to fix them... these look wind-proof.

Wildlife Encounter:  big deer with big horns, little deer with no horns

Lots and lots of riders on The Mountain today - most, like me, went for shorts and arm warmers, it was that nice.

Fall color in central CoCo

Saturday, November 18, 2017

2017 SMR 38

Last week I promised myself I wouldn't over-dress this week.  So I planned on being cold and it turned out just right. Knee warmers, arm warmers, sleeveless vest.

It was pretty windy in some spots, but otherwise good riding.

Looks like the park is planning on some kind of more robust barrier at the washout.

Hawk flew right in front of me and landed in the tree.

JB turned around before Juniper... he must've not had what I didn't have last week.

Monday, November 13, 2017

HiBird Cycles SUCKS!

HA HA HA HA HA  Buy this bike only if you don't have any friends to laugh at you.
  1. Ridiculous products, 
  2. Suck-Ass Web Page
  3. Blog comment spammers

These guys posted spam in my comment section - unforgivable.  I don't know why places do this, but the ones that do are all awful - I guess they're trying to piggy-back on my fame and integrity.  So I feel obligated to associate them with clever Google search keywords.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

2017 SMR 37

Here's a legit petition to get more bike turnout lanes on The Mountain for safer road-sharing.  After you sign, they'll ask for money and Facebook sharing - not required.


OK, three weeks in a row of over-dressing and I was too hot.  Next week I'm going to plan to not be warm enough, and that should be about right.

Tarantella Tally:  one - boy I thought I'd seen the last of them this year.

JB and I decided to go down South - he went around and I turned around and came back up.

Something's going on with my rear wheel - rubs against the brake when I'm out of the saddle... I'm going to tighten up the spokes and maybe open up the calipers some.

Lots more people coming up at 10 than there were at 8... maybe they know something I don't.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

2017 SMR 36

I have been waiting patiently for the first rainy ride of the season... and today it WAS.  JB texted me that he wasn't coming, so it was a solo first rainy ride of the season.

Passed'em-Passed-me ratio:  0:0  
 I did see a few folks coming down on my way up, and coming up on my way down.

Yeah... not high fire danger today.

Look,  I randomly struck the perfect pose!

These cracks at the mud-slide are getting scary-big.