Saturday, November 11, 2017

2017 SMR 37

Here's a legit petition to get more bike turnout lanes on The Mountain for safer road-sharing.  After you sign, they'll ask for money and Facebook sharing - not required.


OK, three weeks in a row of over-dressing and I was too hot.  Next week I'm going to plan to not be warm enough, and that should be about right.

Tarantella Tally:  one - boy I thought I'd seen the last of them this year.

JB and I decided to go down South - he went around and I turned around and came back up.

Something's going on with my rear wheel - rubs against the brake when I'm out of the saddle... I'm going to tighten up the spokes and maybe open up the calipers some.

Lots more people coming up at 10 than there were at 8... maybe they know something I don't.

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