Esteemed blog readers.
I have injured myself again. Not cycling related, but I broke my kneecap.
Part of my non-cycling life involves investigating mechanical stuff that is involved in insurance claims and lawsuits and last Monday I was investigating one of these (not the actual one)
It was parked at a rental lot surrounded by a bunch of other equipment and in my inspection I tripped over one of those forklift blades and landed on my kneecap. I knew right away it was a hard fall, but I didn't think I broke anything until Tuesday when I went in for an X-ray - actual X-rays below:
And here's the imaging report.
Effusion means swelling, and I certainly have plenty of that.
Comminuted means the pieces are separated... that can't be good.
So all riding is on hold for a while. Cycling challenges and Strava trophies and other weekend athlete objectives will be modified... don't know when. Hoping for an orthopedist appointment this week for a prognosis. Apparently sometimes they have to screw the parts back together or take out the loose pieces with surgery.
Anybody with a good patella fracture story, please tell it in the comments.
I don't want no pity though.