Pinhurst in the Mist - 42 Miles Rick and I have been wanting to do a Pinhurst ride for quite a while. Couldn't do a Diablo ride Saturday so today was our opportunity. He drove to my house and we left after the rain subsided but there was still some dark clouds and drizzle.

It was about 15 miles to the end of Canyon Road where we made a right onto Pinehurst. Canyon Road looks like it's been repaved recently and was quite nice. Rick thought this abandoned bike miles from nowhere would make for a good photo.

This is the corner where I start the stopwatch if I'm timing myself - the climb begins here. This is looking down hill, on your way up you'll see the gate and sign in the photo below. There were several mudslides in here and it won't be long before some trees fall down on the road too.

(off the right of the road)

Steep switchbacks like these, and the dense foliage are what make riding Pinehurst fun.

Wow, that's some good pavement.
At the top we turned right on to Skyline and rode as far as Grizzly Peak before we turned around.

Rick did a couple extra trips around this corner to make sure he'd get his photo blogged. This is a pretty good shot though.
Looks like a fun climb. How long is it?
Pinehurst is four miles from Canyon Road to Skyline. The climbing part is just a little over a mile but the bottom part is all nice redwoods and eucalyptus trees.
Here's a Yahoo map (cut and paste):
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