Wednesday, October 03, 2018

2018 WNR 13

When I heard it might rain I thought "YEAH - time to get the Belgian Beast off the hooks!"  So I got home a little early and cleaned him off and put on the tubulars and adjusted the brakes and placed him carefully in the back of my pickup and drove to The Churh.

No riding buddies showed.  There were a few other riders mostly coming down.

Passed'em/Passed-me Ratio:  0:0

Didn't get rained on.

Wildlife Encounter;  Deer (too many to count), a little bunny, and turkeys... lots of turkeys.

Tarantella Tally:  Two

So with a 15 minute early start I got in a good ride and down before dark, but not by much. Next week will either be even earlier or not at all.

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