Wednesday, November 06, 2019

2019 WNR 31

OK, we've started our Wednesday afternoon rides, during Daylight Wasting Time.  I'm calling them "Winter Wednesday Junction" on Strava but keeping my WNR numbering scheme for the Blog. 

Most of these will be just me and JB and Charlie.

2:30 o'clock seemed to be a fine start time.  

Charlie wore a snappy blue outfit and socks with an amazing fade pattern.

JB wore an old T-shirt and shorts that exposed a little too much in back.

Random guy who passed us. At Junction he took his bike to the bathroom with him.  I have never heard of a bike being stolen on The Mountain but that seems to have been his concern.

1 comment:

Diablo Scott said...

Boy, that's about the ugliest blog I've ever seen! You're too stupid to manage a real blog, am I right? Please contact your local welfare office for government assistance and stop annoying people.