Saturday, May 02, 2020

2020 SMR 15

Today was even more enjoyable than your average ride on the Mountain Majestic.  Middle of spring season fog cover, cooler than usual, and to start things out...

Roadkill Report: an opossum on The Approach.

Word is out. Cycling is pandemic-approved and essential and The Mountain is closed to cars so the road was thick with cyclists of all stripes.  Notably, there were quite a few folks who looked like Diablo was the toughest challenge they'd attempted in quite a while.  I saw one guy on an old StingRay.

Still a few vehicles on the road though - I saw multiple State Park trucks, a diesel re-fueling truck for the PG&E equipment, and one PG&E van.

These posers got yelled at by a Park Ranger for not keeping socially distant. 
They pretended to acquiesce, but then ignored him.

This rider (R) had what I believe are the shortest bike shorts I've ever seen.

The Mountain is a cruel exposer of posers...
These guys had high-end equipment and gear but couldn't climb,...
Big hats, no cattle.

Almost hurled at Summit.  I salute you.

OK, this is my new favorite photo.

Cal Jersey Autoblog

1 comment:

Mike said...

I was up (and out of) the park before it opened. Got reprimanded at the Junction when I stopped too.

Love the commentary!

I've seen plenty of bad examples of social distancing while riding lately. Full on teams of 6 to 12 riders (looking at you Splunk and Kovarus) riding in pace lines - no masks, no attempt at being safe. At the market in Sunol there was a group of 8 that stopped, no social distancing there either. My guess is that they read somewhere that lycra was Antiviral and they were safe?

It's a weird world out there.