Wednesday, May 13, 2020

2020 WNR 16

Just me tonight - assorted excuses from everybody else.

A little windy, a little cool, and a little drizzle. 

The King of Rock and Roll passed away a couple days ago and I found a Little Richard Playlist on my Amazon service rocked it all the way up.  When Tutti Frutti came on I was inspired to open up a can of whoop-ass... poor guy I passed didn't know what hit him!  (see video below)

The drizzle got a little heavier at Junction so I didn't spend any time there - did a couple laps around the intersection, took a swig of my iced tea, and headed down.

Kudos to this Ranger for holding the exit gate open for my entry.

The guy is always trying to photobomb my blog.

Cal Jersey Autoblog.

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