Wednesday, December 13, 2023

2023 Diablo Day 60 - Wednesday Morning Junction

We've been having COLD nights, so I over-dressed this morning. Charlie wanted a late start and I didn't need much arm-twisting.

We met at Tire Poppers and I needed to tweak my front derailleur; I threw the chain off the big ring twice on Saturday and I over-corrected after the ride so now I was having trouble getting it into the big ring, but I had my multi-tool and took a guess how far to unscrew the doo-dad device and it worked out pretty well.

He started talking about his recent bike fitting and maintenance but it wasn't long before he was too far ahead of me to hear what he was saying.

Caught back up past Curry Point where they had a road block for tree trimming. The guy there said no trees had fallen down, they were just doing preventive maintenance.

JB rode in at Junction and we all made old man talk for a while. 

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