Wednesday, April 06, 2022

2022 Diablo Day 23 - Wednesday

OK, today JB had to start early and I couldn't, and no one else was coming... so I decided to ride from home for THE FIRST TIME SINCE MY KNEE FRACTURE. And I decided to ride my Klein for THE FIRST TIME SINCE MY KNEE FRACTURE.

It was very warm though, and I thought I was ready for it but I wudn't. The heat and lack of fitness and loss of muscle, and the extra miles, and higher gearing all conspired to make me way too tired. After 4 miles or so I wondered if I'd even make Junction. But I stopped at a few shade spots for rest and recovery and soldiered on.

I'm still tired.

This was bright green just a few days ago.

The Shady Rest

Son of Chainbuster

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