Wednesday, August 07, 2019

2019 WNR 21

I didn't get to The Church in time for a double junction today. Charlie, Shawn, JB, Kathryn, and Donna came so it was a diverse group.

Good riding weather, not too hot.

Wildlife Encounter: big buck at Junction. We heard him snorting loudly behind some bushes so I knew he was big even before I saw him.

I rode with Charlie and Shawn until 1 mile to go, and then I went for a Split 6 Personal Record - not knowing what my previous record was, and not knowing how I did until I uploaded the Strava.  I beat my previous best (last September) by almost 30 seconds.  Kevin and I used to pick one segment to really attack on every Junction, but Kevin hasn't been coming recently so it's all up to me.  Now I have to pick another one to attack on next week's ride.  For every segment though, my PR is from year 2019, so I'm having a good season!

I expect pretty soon, people will start training for The Challenge, which this year is October 13... only two months away!


Passed me 1

This guy passed me during my PR attempt - slightly demoralizing.  Looks like he was a full minute faster over Split 6.

Charlie checks his time at the line with his stopwatch function.

Shawn lets his Garmin determine his time.

JB doesn't use GPS on the bike.

When the sun is right about there on the descent, the Perseid meteor showers are coming;
and that means there are about six Wednesday Night Rides left in the season.

Photo Credit: Shawn
Charlie and I frequently have coordinating color jerseys... just a cool unplanned coincidence.


Mike said...

Days are getting shorter and just ass soon as I start getting the hang of this Junction ride, WNR will be over - ugh!

Nice to see you!

Mike said...

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