Wednesday, September 12, 2018

2018 WNR 11

Lots of riders coming down, but nobody but me most of the way up - I passed one guy on a mountain bike, then another roadie just before Chainbuster.  He was a friendly guy about my age so we talked about bike crashes and injuries and experience with emergency doctors.  Another guy came up from SouthGate with the loudest bike speaker I've ever heard outside of Critical Mass... the whole Mountain was shaking.  He added that he had a cobalt hip.

Then on the way down, just past Chainbuster, I recognize Justin from my old company and I turned around and rode the last mile or so with him.

Pretty dark on the way down, and the sunset was right in my eyes in some sections - it's weird that looking into the sunset kind of takes away your depth perception.

Had my rear-view camera mount on tonight.

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