Wednesday, May 01, 2019

2019 WNR 08

Wow, had my fastest Junction time since I've been doing the Strava... since before June of 2012, probably a lot longer than that.  My fastest times were done before Strava was a thing though.

Only me and Shawn and Kathryn all different speeds, so I just went for it.  My first ride as a sexagenarian. Felt good, pushed hard, got a result.  Nice and warm, just a little breeze, way too many bugs.

I passed this guy in the Prologue segment, and then he caught back up to me at The Bump and passed me and beat me to The Junction easily.

Kathryn is training for Ride Ataxia.  

For my first ride as a 60-year old, I wore the Seattle-to-Portland jersey that I bought to commemorate my 50th birthday.

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