Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 WNR 37

 I couldn't make the morning ride with Charlie, so went later in the afternoon.

Crazy amount of auto traffic enjoying the good weather on The Mountain.

AAA also seemed to be having a busy day.

There's still time for more bad stuff to happen in Year 2020, so stay out of trouble dear readers.

This group of ladies was enjoying a "side of the road" picnic.  Or so I THOUGHT

This group of young men was enjoying the views from Son of Chainbuster... or so I THOUGHT.

Hmmm, somebody must be having trouble.

Ahh, guys in white SUV needed AAA help.

Oh no - picnic ladies needed to get towed off The Mountain!

Considerate AAA guy let me pass... completely unnecessary but I took it.

Junction plus 5 Bump repeats today.

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