Saturday, October 09, 2021

Saturday Morning Bump Repeats

First Diablo in TWO WEEKS! 

JB was sick, even got a COVID test, no results yet.

If I'm every going to be the Legend of The Bump, I have to step it up, so today I did FIVE Bumps and skipped The Junction.  It was about as hard as I expected, and I was getting rubber legs on #5. As of now I have 19 Bumps in the last 90 days, and the current Legend has 55. Nobody told me this would be easy, I figure I should aim for 70 just to take the trophy and show a clean pair of heels.

Wildlife Encounter: deer on The Approach.

Some guys with trucks and what I think were hang gliders rolled up on top were scouting out The Bump - but they left without unrolling so I'm not sure,

It's been a rough year at the Diablo Homestead. January was my patella fracture, in May my greyhound Isaac died of liver cancer at 8, and this week our cat Ace died of lymphoma at 7. We adopted Isaac as a 2-year old and Ace as a kitten in 2015 and they both went way too soon.

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