Wednesday, February 23, 2022

2022 Diablo Day 14 - Wednesday

Woot. It was cold... at least the air was cold, but the sun was warm, which made for a weird combination.

JB showed up but then turned around at The Church because he wasn't fully recovered from his colonoscopy. So it was just me and Charlie. We talked about staph infections, Russian peace-keeping missions, and his new pedals.

Like last week, I figured I could stay with Charlie for the first three miles, and then ride tempo for a decent Junction time. Last week I did 57-some, and today I did sub-56.

Reiterating my current recovery and fitness plan - I'm going to go HARD on Wednesdays, and then a little easier on Saturdays. By the March Equinox I hope to get my Klein off the hooks... I've been riding my Eddy Merckx because it has lower gears and SPDs... so that will be a quantum leap in returning to knee-normal. 

The Hard Wednesday seems to be working - PROGRESS!

Here's where Charlie stopped pretending I wasn't slowing him down.

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