Wednesday, October 26, 2022

2022 Diablo Day 65 - Wednesday Junction

Charlie and JB agreed to a late start so I could do some work stuff. 2PM and the weather was nice... just a bit chilly. And the winter bike has been returned to service so that was fun too. Charlie talked about his recent cycling shoe purchase... he wears a size 50! so not a lot of stores had a lot of selection for him. Another criteria was he wanted replaceable heel pads and he did get a pretty nice but not flashy pair of Fizik shoes with two BOA buttons.

I felt good enough to try to keep up with Charlie, but those last two miles found your humble blogger in the red zone. Then JB caught me and passed me by the Ranger House. Just a HINT of that calf cramp from Saturday was hanging around.

SGR had been closed for a couple days for road work, but they were done now and Charlie could make the loop back to home.

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