Saturday, October 12, 2019

2019 SMR 33

First ride of the season in TIGHTS!  and long finger gloves, and I was glad I had'em for the first hour, then my LS jersey got a little too warm after about 9:30.

The sky was beautiful but there was some smog you could see from a distance and you could kind of feel it in your throat.

Well the preventive power outages were pretty much a big nothing-burger.  The Mountain was closed on Thursday for high fire danger but that's what they always do for high winds and low humidity this time of year.

JB and I discussed vaccinations, Kurds, hurricanes, and movies.  Probably another three weeks or so before he gets his restored bike back.

Wildlife Encounter:  deer everywhere.

Diablo Challenge TOMORROW! and Foxy's next Saturday.

Roadkill Report:  raccoon on Walnut Ave.

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